Thursday, February 26, 2009

A new painting

I haven't painted in about a year.  Sad, yes.  So I have started a new one and I figured that I would photo the process.  I have no idea if this painting will be any good or not, but that will lend a little excitement to the whole thing.  
I have had the idea for this, "Three Bikes" painting for a few months now.  I'd been wanting to do some bicycle art for a while.  When I realized the color combo of my main three bikes, I started to hatch the concept you see photo'd above.  I took about 100 pics over two days to chose this one single photo as the basis for the painting.  
I have taken to painting solely on plywood.  I put three coats of gesso on a panel then sand it.  Except this time... I tried something new by using a roller to apply the gesso instead of a brush.  The surface is more uniform, smooth, and has a lot of tooth.  I like it a lot, so far.  I do the drawing using a Stabilo pencil, as it is the only pencil that won't smear under the first coat of Liquin and Yellow Ochre:
The yellow ochre creates a warm base-tone for the painting and the liquin seals it all to start.  
This technique is my version of, "fat over lean" with some of the Old Masters techniques.  It works for me.  Oil paint, liquin, and cold-pressed linseed is all I use.  Well, with brushes of course.