Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Beginning

The day after Thanksgiving in 2005 the idea for the Kalamazoo Box Company came to me with such ease and clarity that I couldn't believe that I hadn't come up with it sooner.  

For years I'd been working on art and furniture, but it felt sort of aimless.  With the idea of the Kalamazoo Box Company (KBC), I now had a lightning rod for all the different pursuits that I'm crazy about.  Throughout the rest of 2005 and all of 2006, I thought non-stop about the KBC and how to make it work.  My "real job" was rather invasive that year and kept me from putting much rubber on the road.  At the beginning of 2007 I moved into a fantastic new workshop (rental), my job mellowed out and I had nothing but potential in front of me.  I also got these two:

Sam and Bear.  Plenty more of them to come.

Later into 2007, I resurrected an interest in buying my own shop.  An opportunity came about and pursued.  In September, I closed on this building:
Nice landscaping, eh?

But, the KBC got a home.  Still lots of activity, but not much progress on the business side of things.  
Now, in January 2008, I am fully moved into the KBC at 2330 S. Burdick.  The website is up, and I am more passionate than ever to really make this happen.   It's going to be a long slow road, but someone said that it's all about the journey...


djpmz said...

When does the bar open?
L & P

Deicy said...

WOOWW!!! Great...!!!!!