Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Today, part 2

Then there is the 2D art side of the KBC.  I will have my original oil paintings and limited edition prints linked to the main website.  The first painting completed under the KBC header is a 4' painting of my logo, the winged wheel.  

On the easel right now is the super cool and secret project of poster art specific to the Iceman Cometh Bicycle Challenge that takes place here in Michigan every November.  Stay tuned...

Two weeks ago I started a late morning commute to work on my new H-D Nightster.

To spare you all the details, this awesome beauty was totaled that day with only 800+ miles on it and I got a broken ankle out of it all.  I'm in great spirits and am very grateful that I only have an ankle on the mend.  I had to also put my newest pride and joy on hold, a Soulcraft Dirtbomb.
Sean www.soulcraftbikes.com has been great and patient.  I can't wait for this bike!  Not sure what I am going to do about another motorcycle yet.  I have plenty of time to think about it all.

So that brings us up to date.  The KBC is going to be slow for the next two months as my ankle heals.  But, man, the future is bright!


1 comment:

Deicy said...

AWW!!!!!!!!! Sorry about your ankle......you will be safe with a bicycle....=)